Mayank Sanganeria

Mayank Sanganeria is exploring new avenues in music education with RealEarTrainer, his revolutionary mobile app that harnesses the power of AI to create personalized ear training curricula and quizzes based on each user’s favorite music. By leveraging the familiarity and emotional connection individuals have with their preferred tunes, RealEarTrainer makes learning aural skills engaging, effective, and accessible. RealEarTrainer’s approach to ear training not only enhances users’ musical perception but also deepens their appreciation for the intricacies of their favorite songs, ultimately fostering a more profound connection with music.

Mayank’s own educational journey began at IIT Bombay, where he earned his undergraduate degree in Physics. His passion for music and technology led him to pursue a master’s degree at Stanford’s Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA). In the tech industry, Mayank has worked on GenAI at Instagram and Meta, as well as at Uber, and several startups. By combining his expertise in productizing creative technology with his love for music, Mayank aims to make quality music education more accessible to everyone.